Thursday, July 20, 2006

Crazy Guy @ the Mall + STRIPPERS

This is for 'The Style Life Challenge' day 19. Assignment is to 'seed' an upcoming fun event. You should 'seed' this event at least once today during an approach, the other 2 times can be with people you know. I overdid it and made 6 approaches today.

Date: July 19, 2006

Location: Mall, Schaumburg, IL

Solo Sarge

Pre approach seed: I practiced seeding on one of my colleagues at work - I seeded this free outdoor classical concert they have in the city. I didn't have to sell it too much, as he seemed really into it.

So I needed 2 more 'seeds' for today's assignment. My state was pretty lousy after a long day at work, by the end of the night I was in an ok mood though. I went to a mall and did 5 approaches. I seeded this rock music festival they were having in a different part of the city for these sets.

I did 5 approaches in an hour at the mall. They were pretty mediocre approaches, but I have caught up the day I missed and am still in the challenge at least. I got more comfortable after the 3rd one. I deliver the opener pretty well, I still have trouble going into disqualifiers, then dhv's then the seed. I forget disqualifiers most of the time.

Opened a cute japanese girl at Urban Outfitters. She seemed a little scared when I approached her, then after I deliver my opener she tells me, in broken english, that she doesn't know how to speak English. I eject.

I approach an HB6.5 brunette at the Apple store, who was looking at laptops. I was really nervous, I stumbled on the Village People opener, first time I've used it.

me: Hey can I get a quick opinion on something? I was having a debate with one of my friends and neither of us knew the answer to this, can you help?
HB6: ok
me: Remember the Village People? Was there a fireman? My friend says there were 5 of them, I thought there were 6? So far we've counted a construction worker, an indian, a cowboy, and a motorcycle guy. And a fireman?

me: Ok, this is a two part question? Can you name a song by the Village People other than YMCA or Macho Man?

I got a polite answer, but I eject because I was just too damn nervous and she was looking at me weird. But not before mentioning 'Hey have you heard of this cool street fair they're having in Wicker Park this weekend? They're going to have live bands and art exhibitions. Should be a fun time, me and my friends are gonna go.' Lousy approach, way too nervous, voice was shaky as hell. No disqualifiers other than, 'I can't stay long just a quick question...'

I open a 2 set - HB7 brunette and HB7 blonde preppy girls. I open with the Village People, disqualifier was I can't stay long I have to get somewhere, pretty crappy disqualifier. I get a polite answer, throw in a seed about the street fair, then thank them and eject. Still nervous, they were sort of laughing at how ridiculous the question was.

I open a 4 set - HB6 latina pushing a stroller, HB7 latina walking with some dude, probably her boyfriend, and a little kid. I walk with them, they laugh a lot at the ridiculous opener. I neg one of the girl's jewelry. I throw in the seed about the street fair, turns out they're from out of town. I eject, they are looking at me like I'm a crazy man, but I can tell they thought it was funny. Not nervous here, I didn't do the ringfinger routine or any dhv's other than throw in the fact that I lived downtown.

I open a lone wolf HB7 redhead walking around the mall. Semi long set - turns out she is an expert on 70's disco music, since she knew a whole bunch of Village People songs. No negs, no dhv's. I had her laughing and felt pretty relaxed in this set. I throw in a seed about the street fair and eject. This one I could have possibly pushed through to comfort and possibly close, but of course I am an enormous puszy.

Date: July 19, 2006

Location: Strip Club, Chicago, IL

Players: me + 1 wing

I accompany a friend of mine to a local adult entertainment venue, obstensibly because they have 'free drinks', although I'm actually there for the bodacious tatas.

I run my full game - my entire repertoire of openers, negs, dhv routines, 'seeding', and Mystery's 'leading close' - during 4 stripper sets tonight. I throw the works at them - Village People, dogs vs. cats, jealous gf 2 part, i love you, ringfinger routine, the cube, 3 roads, etc etc. Might as well get some practice while I'm here. I figure every PUA has to have some stripper game every once in a while. Most of the sets went alright, I was definitely relaxed here since I didn't get so nervous having to approach. It was great to see their faces light up when I gave the ringfinger routine, or see them laugh when I open with 'thug lovin'.

Even though I am violating my rule of 'no hired guns', I am going to count these 4 stripper sets as 1 set - since I tried to close 1 of them, got denied, and it actually hurt a little since by the end of that (long) set, I actually liked the girl.

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