Thursday, April 26, 2007

You Don't Know What Love Is (You Just Do as You're Told)

3 weeks later and I'm still with my new girlfriend. It is sort of official now, too. She basically told me the other day that I can't date anyone else without telling her first. I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I feel like I've sort of been forced into this position. Was there a way I could have responded to her subtle coercion so that I wouldn't have had to agree to basically not date anyone without telling her first? Afterwards, I looked this up on the various seduction sites but I couldn't find a good response. Most of the seduction knowledge on the internet tends to dry up once you enter the area of ltr's. I probably would tell her anyways if I was planning on sleeping with someone else, it's only fair, you'd have to be a serious asshole to expose her to disease like this. I wasn't going to tell her no, also, I'm having too much fun.

Ironic that I'm simultaneously having a shitload of fun and also am more stressed out than I have been in a long time. A couple of weeks ago I got really sick and I'm only now starting to feel 100 percent better again. I had a consistent fever, headaches, sore throat. Turns out I caught a viral infection - probably from the new girl. The inside of my mouth became all swollen and sore. I couldn't brush my teeth or eat anything other than vitamin water and yogurt without excrutiating pain for almost two weeks. I would often come home on the days I wasn't hanging with my girl, and fall asleep immediately and not wake up until the next morning.

The sex is good. Very good. I feel like Ron Jeremy. I think it's time for me to snap out of this daze I've been in though. All I've been thinking of is sex and hanging out with my new girl. My work is still alright, it's not spectacular though, and I'm just getting adjusted again after calling in sick for a week. My finance research has been neglected. I lost my iPod somewhere - maybe her house, maybe my mom's house - and my gym card. I've been sick anyways, and combined with my lost gym card, I haven't worked out very much in two weeks. Guitar practice has gone to hell - again. I hate that more than anything. My personal projects have also gone to shit.

Time to get my crap together. I can't keep sleeping over at her house every night. Nothing gets done, I have to work on my life. I really hate feeling out of balance like this, I also don't think my girl would want to date some dude who can't even handle his own shit. The past couple of days have been productive. Tomorrow I promised JCB I'd hit the clubs with him, the gf and her friends may meet up with us, which should be interesting. Saturday I've decided to try to combine girlfriend time with being productive, and have her come over and help me hang some bookshelves and do some homework together.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tyler Durden on ejecting early & state control

Revelations for me, probably other guys thought of this..

To my mind, this is really important ****.

OK I'm lying in bed with insomnia, and I'm realizing something.

I hope this makes sense cause I'm not thinking straight, but it seems to make sense right now in my head..

QUESTION: Have you ever ran a sarge, gotten a good initial reaction, and ejected before it could go bad? Why do we do this? Are we so wanting to stay in the good mood that we established by getting a decent initial reaction from the chick, that we'd sacrifice a possible lay just to take the SURE THING that we'll stay in a good mood? Are we really like that? ANSWER: I think that psychologically, we all cope by building a self-image for ourselves.

Teenagers will turn goth, or prep, or find cliques, or get really into a pro sports team, or get really into a certain type of music, or get involved with drugs.

We did this stuff because we struggled to find our own IDENTITY.

As we get older, we find our own identity and its typically more sophisticated than when we were younger, but its still how we GET BY psychologically (so I suppose its no better, but just further developed.. still, it gives us the illusion of superiority, which is really good enough anyway, but I'm digressing)

NOBODY likes to think of themselves as "bad with women", because we NEED to feel desirable as a FUNDAMENTAL part of our self-identity.

To feel undesirable sexually would imply MANY MANY BAD THINGS about ourselves, including bad genetics, bad personality, bad social intelligence, and many BAD BAD THINGS.

This is why when you tell guys about ***, they freak out and get all pissy. Because to imply that they would need HELP with their desirability is to imply MANY bad things about them.

That's why guys who you can be cool to talk about practically ANYTHING with (perfectly cool guys when it comes to ANY other topic than ***) can't take it when you say "hey man check out ***"

***NOW KEY HERE is that the main problem with STATE CONTROL is that when we approach a woman, our fear is MASSIVELY ILLOGICAL.

In fact, fear is built to prevent us from being HURT. But IRONICALLY our FEAR of approaching women actually HURTS US, while ACTUALLY approaching HELPS US.

But yet, we feel fear.


Our ego can't stand the punishment.

We have a self-image that we've developed, and it sure doesn't include being a guy who women SNUB.

Same reason that guys on here who don't really sarge but still have been on *** for a while and have good knowledge will get all pissy at the guys who really sarge. They've developed a SELF IMAGE that they are good with women, which they FOSTER and NURTURE through this internet chat board by spreading good KNOWLEDGE, despite their own lack of EXPERIENCE. So when guys question them or post something that contrasts their theoretical knowledge, they get all pissed off and grumpy and whiny, because what they are reading is DISTURBING the internet-based system that makes them feel good with women, and therefore about themselves.

**But back to the main point, IMO a big key to state-control is RECOGNITION of fact that our fear is based on the threat to our SELF IMAGE (or ego).

Then, in RECOGNITION of this phenomenon, we have to RE-ASSESS our self-image NOT to include our desirability to women.


Because we realize that practically NO guys, even GOODLOOKING, are actually able to pickup random women on a consistent basis, in the way that we're learning to do here.

And in recognition of this REALITY about the world, we can ACCEPT that practically NOBODY is good with women, and FREE OURSELVES to do mass approaches and learn the skillset.

We have to see things AS THEY ARE, and therefore FREE OURSELVES of the threat to our self-image, since we understand that there is no CORRELATION between our self-image and any particular sarge.

In fact, our self-image should even become BRUISED when we chicken-out from approaches, because *THAT* is the real thing to be ashamed of, given that there is so little correlation between our desirability and our actual ability to pickup new random women, given the current social context of women being empowered. Having fear implies that we are STUPID, because we aren't able to make the LINK between REALITY and how it doesn't ACTUALLY correspond to our self-image in the way that we seem to NEED to delude ourselves into thinking it does (in desperate attempt to preserve our emotional well-being).

And in this RE-ASSESSMENT of our self-image, we can realize that fear of playing pickup is INSTANTLY dealt with..

We can even apply this to MANY areas of our lives, and at least make the EFFORT to recognize the MANY areas that we DELUDE ourselves, and to try to gain SELF-KNOWLEDGE that will bring us closer to equilibrium in our environments and the world that we've been thrown into.

The more that we acknowledge where we've deluded ourselves for the sole sake of preserving a FALSE self-image, the more we can IMPROVE ourselves in the REAL WORLD, and not just IN OUR HEADS.

Why do this? Because on a subconscious level we KNOW that we're lying to ourselves, and it comes through in the form of DEPRESSION.

So by aspiring and genuinely attempting to RECOGNIZE this and to gain SELF KNOWLEDGE, we begin to PURGE ourselves of this BULL****, and begin to EMIT AN AURA that people will want to be around.

Notice how some people just rub you the wrong way, but you can't explain why? Notice there are some guys that EVERYONE just wants to be around?

THESE GUYS are the ones who have come closer to this equilibrium with the REAL WORLD and the one that they perceive in THEIR MINDS.

And these kind of guys have potential to be AMAZING PUAs, because they have ultimate state-control.

They are ultimately comfortable with THEMSELVES, and it comes through with women.

So yeah, all that stuff.



This is just like in CLUBS.

Go into a club, and its so DISORIENTING. Music, people, dance, drinks.

But go into that SAME club during the daytime, and then right as they turn on the music and lights, and it looks STUPID. It's just the ILLUSION that ****s us up.

So when you're in a club, try to be like Neo in "The Matrix", and see the club as nothing more than a ROOM with annoyingly loud music and annoying lights and people acting stupid and silly. Then the intimidation factor of clubs GOES AWAY.

Tyler Durden

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I have a girlfriend now

I guess it was inevitable, with all the time and effort I've put into this dating thing the past year. It caught me completely by surprise - she just referred to me as her 'boyfriend' in an offhand way, I guess I could have said maybe we're rushing into things, but I'm not going to say 'I'm not your boyfriend' to some chick who just let me sleep over five nights in a row. Some other cool shit about this girl - she's told me that I'm the best sex she's ever had. How about that? Nice, right?

This is how awesome she is - we're laying in bed, she gets up at 5:30 in the morning to go to her triathalon training, changes into these skimpy shorts, goes and runs like 3 miles, swims a mile, bikes another mile or so, whatever it is she does at these training things, then comes back and screws me until noon. JCB was like, holy crap you've hit the jackpot. My therapist thinks we are taking things too fast. He knows all of the crap I need to accomplish in terms of my career and financial goals, yesterday he asked me where a new girlfriend fits into all of this. I guess it doesn't. This is the totally frivolous part of life that honestly, doesn't mean anything. I mean, if things don't work out with this girl I will still have my mission to attend to. It sure makes everything a bit more interesting, though. I think if I didn't have this girl in my life right now, and I was still the guy going out and hitting on women every night at the bars, my life would be a lot more grim.

I got sick over the weekend, I got a headache, probably from staying up all night and lack of sleep, a bit of a fever. A sore throat, I wonder if she also has a sore throat or if I caught some kind of virus from her. I really hope it's not anything like mono. Kind of sucks I'm sick right now, I have a lot of crap I have to take care of before I go into work tomorrow.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

How To Break Up With Your Girlfriend in 64 easy steps

Feeling vulnerable

So I had this two day F marathon with this girl I met last week. It was pretty incredible. I feel like my mind is scrambled, I had the day off work to take care of some shyt, but all I do is think about this girl. My game was really tight when I got her in bed, but now that she has rocked my world, I feel like the tables are turned. Yesterday I called her, she called me back on the phone, and we talked for a long time. I probably could have told her to come over or something but honestly I need a couple of days to rest up after last weekend. It is only a feeling I get, but I feel like she may be losing interest slightly. Or maybe it is normal to go through a slight depression/feeling of being with someone? I don't know. I feel like I need to go out and game again, get back into my life and take care of shyt.

Monday, April 09, 2007

More ways to make your troubles disappear

And the number one way to make your problems in life disappear - this works every time, afaik ... marathon, mind blowing sex with an attractive woman. This is what the game is all about, and it makes all of the bullshit that I've had to deal with worthwhile. HBYooper has been thoroughly rocking my world every night for the past 5 days and I am going back for another dose tonight. This is just really intense, I like hanging out with her too, she's really easy to talk to - when we're talking, that is. I'm not sure how I feel about her, I hardly know her. However, I don't have the usual gut feeling that this will end badly. I think however it ends, it'll be worth it. God and I took this week off to take care of taxes and other mindless financial paperwork - I can't do anything but think about tonight's festivities.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy birthday Amanda Wilson, President of Canada

Last week was pretty cool. I had the infamous makeout date at my house with HBYooper. On Thursday I was exhausted, but I met JCB in Wicker Park to hit some bars with his friends from work. We met up with Effect and the Photographer at McGearty's. The Photographer was drunk and was showing us his porno pictures on my laptop. This kind of pissed off the waitress at McGearty's who already hates us. Mental note to start hanging out at a different coffee shop, I'm going to miss the free internet access at this place. We went to Pint, but at this point I realized I was exhausted and went home. They told me later they went to Debonair, the girls we were supposed to meet up with never arrived.

On Friday, me, JCB, Uncle Meat and Don Stefano, went to First Friday at the MCA. This was one of the most entertaining sarging nights in a long time. We had a lot to drink that night. I made a lot of approaches - 15 in all that night, felt like I had a lot of good sets. Anyways, I feel like I could have close some, and this is going to sound like a huge cop out but I blame Don Stefano for ruining a couple of really good sets. Also, honestly, I'm glad that I haven't lost my ability to approach, but I'm running into my old problem of ejecting early again. I hate that. Later in the night, me and JCB talked about forcing ourselves to hang in a set at least 15-20 minutes, no matter how badly it's going. From now on I'm going to try to do this, what do I have to lose. Uncle Meat bailed again mysteriously, not sure what to make of this dude.

Later in the night we went to Crobar, where JCB was on the guest list. We got in free using this pass phrase this guy gave us - we asked for 'Amanda Wilson' at the front door. Actually, we thought it was 'Amanda Jones' but later we found out it was 'Amanda Wilson'. This is crazy, but my first set of the night - I asked her name and she said 'Amanda Wilson'! THE Amanda, I asked her who she was and she said 'I'm the president of Canada'. I think she was drunk and fucking around with us. Also, turns out Amanda Wilson was the supposed fuck buddy of some dude JCB knew, and he got pissed when he saw me trying to game her. Oh well. There was also a set of really drunk girls - one of them wearing a tiara, turns out it was her birthday - who asked me and JCB to take pictures of them. Later on we were all dancing, when one of the girls gets in a fistfight(!) with some other drunk chick on the dancefloor. JCB broke it up - then the Crobar security guys came in and kicked the girls out. It was cool we got to see at catfight at least. Don Stefano is the man on the dance floor, by the way.

281 approaches

White Lion Little Fighter Vito Bratta 80's glam metal

Another one of the great 80's guitarists. Vito Brattas very elaborate and very structured solos are a must asset for learning lead guitar