Saturday, August 19, 2006

I Wanna Fukk You With My Soul

I did 6 approaches yesterday. 5 of them were for day 7 of the Style Life challenge, which involved approaching women or groups of people using standard openers. The last one was a head start on day 8 - assignment for day 8 of the Style Life challenge is to approach 5 women or groups of women using a standard opener, plus a root and a time constraint. I typically use a root and time constraint anyways, but I'm just following the assignments. Day 9 of Style Life is a review/makeup day. We've agreed to stretch out day 9 all weekend. So I basically have to do 4 more approaches today and tomorrow to keep up, which should be pretty easy.

Date: August 19, 2006
Location: South Side Club, Chicago, IL
Players: me + 3 wings

Me, Effect and Jaydog met up at McGearty's last night, and drove down together to JCB's party on the south side. It was raining pretty hard last night, and we got lost. The party was at this club called Bohica, the place was pretty dead, only a few open sets, mostly UG's although JCB approached a pretty attractive chick later on that night. We met some of JCB's martial arts buddies, they seemed pretty cool/crazy. I told JCB I'd check out this martial arts tournament with him next month, should be interesting.

So we're sitting at the bar and I open this UG latina sitting to my left. I hit her with myspace/google. She seemed friendly, but got pulled away by a dude I think, so I turn to the (better looking) HB5/6 latina sitting next to her - slim pickings last night, I thought I'd try to get some sets in even though I wasn't really feeling these chicks - and hit her up with the same routine - you here for the martial arts party? Then myspace/google. This had to be the stupidest girl I've approached yet. She didn't know what myspace or google was. Has she been living under a rock? Plus I noticed she had been drinking a lot that night, so maybe that affected her conversational skills. Anyways, I eject after a little while due to lack of interest in this chick, and some latino dude starts talking to her. Whatev, another brick in my palace, yadda yadda.

After a while, JCB makes an approach, but there wasn't anyone left at the bar that was open, and Effect and Jaydog had to make 5 approaches that night, so we tell JCB we have to bail and hightail it to the old reliable Wicker Park.

Date: August 19, 2006
Location: Wicker Park, Chicago, IL
Players: me + 2 wings

We hang out for a while at McGearty's, but decide to bail. Then we go over to this other place, I forget the name, starts with a T - the guys each make an approach there. We decide to head over to Rodan. On the way to Rodan, I approach a 2 set on the street and get viciously blown out: Exsqueeze me, can I get your opinion on something? We're in a hurry, talk to the hand.

At Rodan I do a really good set on this tall chick. I run through a number of openers and routines, root, neg, dhv. She hooks on cats and dogs. This girl gives me kino and reapproaches me later on a couple of times that night, gives me looks. She wanted me, but I wasn't really feeling her - only reason I approached her group was to get to the artsy chick in the yellow dress and glasses who was talking to some skinny dude. Unfortunately, I didn't get her attention. I get viciously blown out again by some mediocre brunette HB at the bar: Exsqueeze me, do you know of any bars that are open late, like 4 in the morning? No. Sorry.

Date: August 19, 2006
Location: Diner, Lincoln Park, Chicago, IL
Players: me + 2 wings

At Golden Nugz, after some post game de-briefing, I approach an HB7 brunette and game her pretty well. This was my favorite set of the evening. I run through a number of openers, negs, rapport, dhv, etc. Her friend drags her away. She unfortunately had a rather large ass, but I thought she was cute.

Mental note to check myself for: smiling, high energy level, etc. before going in for an approach from now on. Or before any type of social interaction. My therapist tells me that part of my condition is a tendency towards deadpan expression and monotone voice, so I have to constantly check myself, especially before approaches. I'll try this today.

157 approaches

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