Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Book a week 2009 - 1-2/52

I'm going to start reading a book a week again. I just reread this excellent Steve Pavlina post about developing a book a week reading habit, and it really inspired me.

I'm reading 2 books the first two weeks of 2009 -

What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful


RailsSpace: Building a Social Networking Website with Ruby on Rails

A couple of points from Steve's post that stuck with me - reading is like exercise, you are conditioning your mind to take in more information, and you improve at this the longer you develop this habit, he says all you need is to devote 30-60 minutes a day. We'll see, seems like that's not enough time to read a book a week, I'm also kind of concerned how this type of reading program will work with technical books like RailsSpace. My plan is to read a chapter through and then do the exercises at the end of each chapter afterwards.

Some miscelleneous thoughts - I love how well thought out and complete Steve's blog, and the largeheartedboy blog are. The difference between me and all these other bloggers is I devote a part of each day on things other than blogging - mainly music and training for my races.

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