Tuesday, January 13, 2009

That was just a dream, I thought you were real

I got up early yesterday, had to make it to work by 7 for this off site testing that we've been conducting all week. Huge snowstorm last night - about 3-4 inches of snow on the roads, Lake Shore was ok, all of the other streets I have to drive were unplowed. The minute I stepped out the door I immediately thought of K. and N. and felt sorry I wasn't around to help them get ready. Did my testing, once testing was over I desperately needed coffee but forgot to bring cash to buy coffee at the cafeteria, so I had to put my coat on, go back outside, and drive to Starbucks in the snowstorm for a venti coffee and a biscotti. That's how serious I am about my coffee. I worked on a fix for another project that took about five lines of code, then coasted the rest of the day. Slow day, J. and P. had work from home days. Hung out with P. and D., talking about music. I think I surprised them with the breadth of my knowledge as I don't really come off as the 'raging hipster' to people I work with, but I've been a huge lifelong music fan. Filled out my weekly project summary report and submitted it, drove home listening to my iPod, and played around with K. and N. for a little while. K. cleaned the house while I got groceries at Trader Joe's for the next 4 days, worked out at the Y (ran 2.5 miles), and picked up a set of pics at Walgreens. Afterwards, I made dinner (chili lime chicken, wild rice dish, blue cheese/cranberry/almond salad with vinagrette, these toasted mushroom things as an appetizer, dessert of sliced pears and Weight Watchers ice cream bars. We watched a documentary on autistic children while I practiced acoustic guitar for two hours. I've been playing around with songs in the open C tuning lately. Then we went to bed - K. read N. a bedtime story, then we watched videos on youtube for a while until K. went to sleep and I eventually dozed off. A really good day. Today we have auntie C's birthday party at 8, which should be fun.

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