Friday, January 16, 2009

Your poor intestines cant deny when the inky periods drip from your mailbox and blood flies dip and glide reach down inside

Blizzard conditions outside, I kept waiting for my boss to send out an email in the morning telling everyone to stay home. No dice - he's already given us 5 snow days and it's only January. This winter is going to be brutal - I really feel for K., who has to carry the babby out to the car every morning no matter what the temp. Had to help her shovel her car out of a foot of snow this morning. On the way to work, the windshield wiper fluid froze, blurring my visibility, and I had to put my hazards on and pull over to the side of the road on Lake Shore. Long day today, I stayed an extra couple of hours at work, as I had to go to this home ownership class at Chicago Neighborhood Housing Services - it's a 4 week program I had heard about at a home ownership fair at work. At the end of it you get a certificate that will help you qualify for certain types of loans, plus I was interested in learning more about the process of buying a home, even though I'm already an owner. When I bought my place, I felt like my parents and my aunt basically walked me through the process and did everything for me. Now I'm faced with the prospects of having to sell my house, despite its deflated value in today's market, and buy a bigger house to accomodate my growing family within the next couple years. Pretty good day at work, really interesting stuff - boss tells me they're sending me to California for a week in March for a work trip. Sounds cool. Been jamming to Arcade Fire all day - J. makes a persuasive argument that Funeral is the best written album of the past ten years. Upgraded rails on my workstation, ready to start the exercises in that Rails book. After this class I'm going to totally go for it and go to the gym.

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