Saturday, September 30, 2006


So, I guess I'm a 'warrior', according to this - probably non scientific - test of the 4 Jungian personality archetypes. This is probably bullshit.

I'm not telling your actual score. Hmph!
Warriors, like Kings, are often leaders because they possess the necessary mental abilities to hold such positions. Warriors see something they want and go for it. They don't hold back. They speak their mind. They don't sugarcoat. They don't fear. Like Lovers, they often have bad reps because they are misunderstood. They may come across as harsh, unforgiving, uncaring, or insensitive, but it is only because they are realistic and drive right to the core of the situation rather than beat around the bush.

The Warrior's complement is the thoughtful, artistic Lover.

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on Confidence

You scored higher than 99% on Creativity

If you liked my test, send it to your friends!
The Medieval Archetype Test


Resilient said...

That's cool man. I can see that working for you since you have that go get-goal action mentality. I'm a Lover/Magician mix. So I look for women who are organized and highly logical. Sometimes their boring Queens other times they are aggressive Warriors who have that dominatrix thing going. It gets scary, so I run.

Doctor Paul said...

Well, it's not bull, but the original material of mine you are listing in your blog is infringing on my intellectual property rights, and in violation of US patent law, producing direct financial harm to my company. You mention having read or viewed my materials in your blog, and there is a boxtop licensure for personal use only in every item my material or myself appear in, with the legal notification that it cannot be printed in any media, nor distributed. I'd suggest you contact my at your leisure at to rectify this legal problem.