Saturday, September 09, 2006

Everyone's BAPping

Friday night, everyone BAPped except JCB, who at least stuck it out in the field. After work I met up with Effect and we hit some galleries. There were some sets at the galleries, but we BAPped. JayDog was an enormous pussy and decided to stay home, we tore him a new asshole every half hour via text message and voice mail. We went out to eat at this vegan biker restaurant in Bucktown, Handlebar. Handlebar was filled with hot indie biatches, but of course we BAPped.

We had to meet JCB and some lair guys at Wrigleyville at 10, on the way over we stopped at a Barnes and Noble. I did a set there, some cute blonde trixie biatch. Lousy set, I bail after the opener. She got a kick out of it though.

I get a fifteen dollar parking spot and we meet JCB at Bar Louie. JCB is ready to game. Me and Effect are feeling crappy - Effect is mentally ready to go but he has been battling a case of the flu or something, I had to drive him over to Costco earlier to pick up some prescription antibiotics. After about maybe a half hour of standing around Moe's Cantina with the lair guys, Effect starts feeling sick and we bail. I was in a crappy state due to some personal shit with my ex anyways.

We decide to try one last time and head over to Long Room in Lakeview. We get in a situational set each using this one dorky girl as a prop - she had toilet paper hanging out of her pants after coming out of the ladies room. Effect said my set wasn't going well but I eject early due to my crappy state. What a night. I go home and pass out.

Tonight I'm checking out JCB's martial arts tournament on the South Side, I doubt I'll get any gaming in. I have Monday off, I plan to use the rest of the weekend to take care of some business shit. My dad's birthday is on Tuesday, I still don't know what I'm going to get him.

204 approaches

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