Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Let's take a ride to the easy plateau, where the cold don't come and the wind don't blow

Went out for lunch with J. and D.. P. is having a dinner party this weekend at some greek place, I'm going to be bringing K. and the baby. This would be the baby's first dinner party. Only 3 hours to go at work, I've been working hard, I even manage to get in a few hours of overtime a week with all the craziness at home. It's a good craziness, don't get me wrong. The baby is very high maintenance, but is also very cute and entertaining. Spent election eve watching the results come in on CNN while playing guitar for my wife and babby. I am playing again - a lot - I discovered the secret to not getting any shit from the wife for spending all my time playing guitar: play fingerstyle acoustic.

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