Monday, November 10, 2008

All I used to be will pass away eventually, all I want now is happiness for you and me

K. and I did a lot of good work last week related to finances - paid off a bunch of bills - credit cards and K's car, refined our budget spreadsheet and rolled some more money into our 'debt snowball'. I went to see John last week, it's amazing how much progress I've made since I started going to see him a little more than two years ago. Pretty much most of the areas of my life are in in great shape, being handled, etc. Feel more in touch with family, in better shape financially, I'm even more in touch with old friends from school. The one thing I'm still sort of dissatisfied with is my career situation - not that it's in a bad place, but I still feel like I need to 'leave my mark'. I have to figure out what exactly that is, in fact. It's becoming clearer as I keep working, that the future may not involve going back for another degree or trying to climb the corporate ladder (at least here).

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