Friday, November 28, 2008

I Am the Unknown

Thanksgiving day, I wake up and sip coffee on the couch and hang out with the in laws while they play with N. Went running for the first time since I got here - 5 miles. Father in law tells me local ordinances require that I wear bright orange as it's hunting season and I might get shot. So I'm wearing a bright orange vest as I listen to altbro music and do laps around the track at the local high school - they were right too, I could hear gunshots going off every five minutes or so. When I get home, Thanksgiving is in full effect. N. is over, Aunt T., Aunt M., Grandma, N., M., A., R., V., and E. all stopped by. N. must've been tired at the end of the day - everyone seemed to agree that she was very cute. I ate a *lot*, by the end of the day I was just immobile. Called my parents - they are being ridiculous about us going to the UP for Thanksgiving. Tried to watch Meet The Robinsons in bed with K. but I fell asleep. I've been having very weird, vivid dreams here, but I forget them as soon as I wake up.

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