Monday, June 26, 2006

Deadline for 250 approaches

I'm giving myself a deadline of six months to get 250 approaches under my belt. I started this journal 6/18, so by 12/18/2006 I should have 250 approaches done. That's 1-2 approaches a day. Any wussbag can do that. No excuses.

Also, I want you guys to start calling me out to SBAP (that's 'stop being a p*ssy'), and walking away after a perfectly decent set without trying to close anything. I am too f*cking shy. There has to be a time when I just say, ok from now on I'm going to stop being shy. Or else it will never happen. So I'm going to post these next 2 approaches and that's it. SBAP. I'm done 'practicing'.

1 comment:

Resilient said...

Aww yes, 250 the "breakthrough point" that Style talks so much about. I wouldn't worry about the shyness factor. The more you approach, the easier and easier it comes to get over approach anxiety. We all have it starting out, good luck man!