Monday, June 09, 2008

5k training week 2

I had a good week of training last week, but I fell off towards the end. On Saturday my brothers threw me a bachelor party, which I'll probably elaborate on in another post, and I was so hung over on Sunday I laid in bed all day with K. So I only wound up working out 4 days last week. Since I believe in balance and moderation in training as in life, I will just leave it at that and not try to make up the extra training day this week. Energy levels are down from last week, I really struggled to complete my long run on Saturday, and even my short run in the middle of the week, I had to stop a couple of times and walk on Saturday, but I made up for that by running a little farther towards the end. It seems to be harder to run on the lakefront due to the excessive wind resistance, vs. running around my neighborhood with all the tall buildings to block the wind for me, however it's a lot more 'scenic' if you catch my drift, running on the lake. That's a nice perk of this new running routine actually. I did a really good job of watching my diet last week, even with K's birthday dinner and all the eating out and partying last week. I lost a pound, which I'm satisfied with as it's a healthy weight loss level especially with all the training.

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