Friday, March 21, 2008

Of Moons, Birds & Monsters

Purging my blog of a lot of the 'seduction site' related spam. I haven't frequented that type of stuff for almost two years now, and it doesn't have much relevance to my life anymore.

Feeling stressed out lately. I haven't been sleeping well. I finally came out and admitted to K. about all my various financial situations that I still have to deal with - seems better to be out in the open with my wife about those things, instead of keeping them a secret and not dealing with them. I will probably take some nagging but it's better this way, and I know now that I will have to get off my butt finally and deal with them. Honestly, I'm about 3 months backed up again. I hate feeling like this. At first it was my dad's operation, then it was getting engaged, then pregnant, then married all in the space of 2 months. I know that's no excuse not to stay on top of your shit, but that's why I'm like this again. At first I was too preoccupied with my dad being sick to worry about anything, then I was too preoccupied with the pregnancy stuff, things don't seem like a problem until later on when you've let them slide for a while. It's not as bad as it has been in the past - I just can't afford to let myself get in trouble again, I have a wife and baby to worry about now, and it's about time that I get serious about my career and financial situation.

I took two days off work to drive up to the UP with K. and visit the in laws. We drive around in the snow looking at houses, we visit with cousins and play with their babies - K's family has gorgeous babies with blonde hair and blue eyes. We eat in these restaurants that serve ungodly large portions that leave you feeling all groggy and bloated. My father in law is such a nice guy, I really like hanging out with him. Right now we're sitting in a coffee shop in Iron Mountain - K's doing her final online and I'm blogging and sporadically reading crap out of my Rails book. We sent all of yesterday and will probably spend the rest of the weekend visiting friends and family. We're going to visit A. this afternoon, she's gonna hook K. up with a new phone. We took a look at the wedding reception spot at the Iron Mountain Country Club yesterday - seems nice. Holy crap, the beer bill is gonna be like 3 grand! Man, this wedding is so expensive and we're actually doing it on the cheap compared to some people.

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