Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Laughing or Dying?

I'm loving the new MacBook Pro. I thought my old PowerBook was powerful, but this thing just screams. I'm now able to watch episodes of Lost online, while playing guitar through my firewire interface and Guitar Rig 2. Simply incredible. We have some site licenses for vmware fusion coming in at work too, can't wait for that. One other cool thing is that work is buying me a Blackberry 8080 with unlimited internet. That would come in handy for this upcoming trip to Michigan this weekend, I don't know if I'll get it by then. The apartment looks great after spending all weekend painting. It's various shades of brown and blue, sounds weird but it looks nice. Work is good, I have the day off next Monday and I'm really starting to get a lot of good work done. I started doing some finances stuff yesterday, you really only have to spend about an hour a day max on that stuff aside from research. Can't believe I have to go away this weekend, I could use the time to get some stuff done. But I already agreed to this trip like two months ago. I'm kinda nervous about it - K's mom supposedly is planning a huge party with all their relatives where they can show me off. Kind of flattering, but all in all I'd rather be at home watching baseball and playing guitar. K. also made me join weight watchers last week, we have to go every Sunday morning now. It's 40 bucks a month and I don't eat as much now (although I eat surprisingly well for being on weight watchers). Also, finally got around to taking my Ibanez S470 into Guitar Center for repairs, can't wait to get that thing back.

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