Monday, September 24, 2007

tried to set environment variable `LC_PAPER' to `C', but it is forbidden by

Had to work over the weekend, it's been a really annoying couple of days of busy work. Was also really lazy about working out, dieting, and all the little financial projects that I have been putting off. As I told my therapist last weekend, I'm done with the little mental vacation I went on after I found out I got an A in my business class. Have been really busy this morning so far, have to do a new weekly plan today. K. inexplicably decided to start painting my kitchen this weekend. I don't know what to think - it's a little annoying that there's paint and supplies all over the place and all my cabinets have been taken off their hinges. On the other hand, she's willing to pay for the supplies and do all the work, which I'm personally too lazy and unmotivated to do myself. Lazy weekend in general. Great time at the Sonata Arctica concert w P. and J., laid around the rest of the weekend with K., watching Lost season 1. One other thing - therapist tells me that I seem ambivalent about taking steps to move forward with the next stage of my career. An interesting observation, since I'm supposedly obsessed with moving on from my current job.

1 comment:

Resilient said...

Wow, I didn't know you liked Sonata Arctica. That's rad. They were one my first introductions into power metal. I just saw them in Santa Ana, CA about a week ago. Kick ass. They were good, although it was hard to tell what the singer was saying. These days I've been listening to Kamelot, Kotipelto, and Symphony X. Peace.