Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The last day of summer

A really lazy weekend where me and K. didn't do much more than hang out around the house, walk around the neighborhood, and go out to eat. On Sunday we drove up to Milwaukee to see the Brewer's game with Lane and Natalie, but that was pretty much the extent of our social interaction, oh yeah JCB called a few times. K. has been obsessed with redecorating my house - she has some interesting ideas about painting and rearranging some of the furniture. We went to Home Depot twice this weekend to buy stuff to redo the lighting and light switches at my house. I feel bloated and tired. I skipped working out in the morning again this morning so I could get to work early and leave early for this dentist appointment. I'm doing my weekly review right now, I haven't done much studying for my certification, it's ok I guess, I've been studying a lot lately and it was a holiday weekend. No shorts today for the first time in months - no shorts after Labor Day. Summer's over. K. even goes back to work today. This was a really good summer, a lot of good things happened, that Washington DC trip was so awesome, I'm always going to remember that.

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