Wednesday, September 19, 2007

After I nearly choked to death on camera

I had a fun time last night with K. and K. and B. at dinner. I also met J., the guy who K. is in love with and also another K., a german girl who's staying with my K. for the week while on vacation. We celebrated J's birthday at Piece in Wicker Park, I invited JCB but he had to work. Me and K. still want to set him up with H. Hehe - so many initials.:P Last weekend was pretty interesting - I've been feeling pretty run down lately. So many concerts and social events, also I've been working a lot (but ironically, I haven't been working very efficiently). Saturday we went to Indiana to see another one of JCB's UFC tournaments. F. and his wife showed up. We went to Hooters beforehand. H. and K's bro and everyone else we told wanted to go to the next tournament - I've never told JCB that I find them generally boring except for the main event or when someone gets seriously hurt. K. seemed to like it. She's been going crazy with finals and such. What else. Guitar is coming along very slowly. I have started using Petrucci's Rock Discipline to try to build up my chops. Learning these metal songs with the crazy speed picking in the solos is going to be very difficult if I don't clean up my technique. I've also spent way too much this month, starting from the beginning of the month. I blame all these social events. Whenever I go out to a concert at a large venue, or a baseball game, I always spend a lot of money on beers and food. I spent like 100 bucks at the Rush concert. I haven't done much studying for my Java certifications. I'm going to go easy on myself this week, as a reward for finishing my business class. Then it's back to work.

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