Monday, June 18, 2007

Meet the Fuckers

It went pretty well, as far as I know. I was surprised. Everybody was nice to my girl. She was really nervous, which is uncharacteristic of her. I think she was intimidated by my in law's house. My brothers were the same around her, goofing off and whatnot. My mom and dad were surprisingly standoffish. I don't think they knew how to handle me bringing girls around. One hopeful sign is that my bro's wife and my girl seemed to get along, and my bro's mother in law was really nice to her as well. How can you not like my girl, she just has a naturally sweet and pleasant personality. Maybe this will lead to me becoming closer to other people in my family eventually. I was certainly glad that my girl was there to keep me company and distract some attention from me, I never feel comfortable at those types of family get togethers. We'll see, I may hear about it from my mom and dad later on, they are just unscrupulous enough to bad talk one of their son's girlfriends to his face.

After the brunch thing for my dad, me and my girl took a long walk down by the beach and watched the sun go down, came home took a shower together, got it on, then lay in bed watching Grindhouse on my laptop until we fell asleep.

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