Thursday, February 05, 2009

Those hungry freaks

7 degrees below zero currently, commute was brutal - felt bad for wife and baby, so I went out and warmed up their car for them. Wife came down with my wool hat and a coffee in the new mugs we ordered. Kissed her and N. goodbye, then off to work - took an hour to get to work with everyone driving 5 mph on Lake Shore. Wish I could be home on the couch with my wife, under a blanket of some type, watching one of her documentaries. We have a three day weekend coming up which I'm really looking forward to. I don't plan to leave the house for any reason other than J's party on Sunday and working out/fetching groceries.


Work went ok yesterday, pretty slow day at the office. Spent a lot of time trading mp3s with J., setting up my server at home, bullsh*tting with the guys. Boss bought deep dish pizza for everybody for lunch, he let me order a salad instead as I can't eat pizza right now with my race training. Spoke with T. about some projects I'm working on, they're going fairly slow but I'll be in a position to finish them next week. Of course I spent all of yesterday playing with N. when I should have been working from home. Feel good that yesterday was a good wholesome day of family time, there will be time to get work done later.

After work, I went to Trader Joe's and bought enough groceries to last us the weekend, so we don't have to go out into this f*cking cold. After I come home, unload the groceries, kiss the wife and baby, then I change into thermal running clothes, go back out to the car, drive to the gym and run 4 miles on the treadmill, do some yoga. Then I cooked dinner for K., chili lime chicken, baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, a bad pinot noir. Chocolate sorbet for dessert. Watched the season premier of Battlestar Galactica which was brilliant.

After dinner, laid in bed and tried to get my wife to watch this Joy Division documentary online, she refused and instead snuggled up to me while reading a book. Fell asleep with my laptop on my chest.

Woke up this morning, fed and changed the baby and put her back into bed with her mom. Made coffee, played guitar for an hour or so, watched the Daily Show. Thought about the day ahead - I have therapy with J. at 3, I still have to go to the gym, K. wants to go get sushi later on. God this Joy Division documentary is good. K. of course, doesn't appreciate them. I feel like playing Unknown Pleasures until she realizes their greatness.

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