Monday, August 20, 2007

The wolf is loose

K.'s gone for 2 weeks. I've been preoccupying myself with cramming for the final exam and paper for this business class I'm taking over the summer. It's weird how I go back to my slob ways once my girlfriend's gone - the house is pretty messy at this point. I sit around and play guitar when I'm not studying. I went out with JCB one night last week - my first night back at Wicker Park in a long time. The place seemed pretty dead. I took JCB to the karaoke place K. took me to. He loved it, we just entertained ourselves fucking around with all the drunk people there. I'm back to my correct weight again after gaining so much weight in DC. Work is busy, but things are changing - certain people are leaving, I'll have to take on more responsibility. I'm actually looking forward to it. When this class is over, I plan to really devote myself to being excellent at my job. That's the way to live. Anyone who puts in between 50-60 hrs a week of solid work is sure to get ahead, it's just a given.

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