Friday, April 28, 2006

goal setting workshop 04/06 + principles of inner game

my purpose: to continue growing as a person in every way, to eventually become self actualized

my top 5 priorities in order
1. my career, education and finances
2. dating attractive women
3. friends and family
4. guitar playing, writing music
5. health

3 things related to each of the above priorities which, when accomplished, will contribute to my overall self esteem, confidence, and personal fulfillment. I will make the accomplishment of the following things the number one priority in my life, as my purpose in life is to continue growing as a person. once i accomplish 3 tasks within an area i will reevaluate what needs to be done. i'm giving myself 2 months to accomplish this initial set of tasks:

my career
1. arrive on time every day, when you are on the clock work the entire time that you are there. deliver every project competently and on time. work overtime or do extra research if you have to.
2. continue to maintain good relations with coworkers. do some reading on improving your people skills.
3. take on more responsibilities whenever possible.

1. call akkawi, take care of this.
2. instead of watching tv, always be reading a book about: psychology, economics, politics. read the newspaper/rss feeds from news sites/podcasts.
3. once 1 is accomplished, decide what to do if anything about another degree.

1. pay off outstanding debts, get financial aid situation straightened out, get checking account entered onto computer. get organized!
2. fill out 403b forms, schedule appointment with guy.
3. get tax info and file.

dating attractive women
1. continue to educate yourself.
2. do a boot camp and see what happens - continue to work on your skills especially inner game. remember your 'inner game' is largely tied to the successful completion of all the other items on this list.
3. do not listen to the advice of other people, especially women and your friends. trust only your intuition and your education. play the game. the goal is to be spinning multiple plates.

friends and family
1. continue therapy to sort out family issues
2. continue to be social - but remember to set your boundaries with other people, when in a social situation try to develop your 'observing ego', extend yourself towards other people to improve your confidence.
3. jennifer - package

guitar playing, writing music
1. continue weekly lessons + practice 25-30 hours a week.
2. goal is to have at least 4 covers recorded by the end of 2006.
3. focus on metal rhythm guitar and soloing, a little classical.

1. your weight is fine for once, maintain it. lowest weight should be 155-160. focus on diet, regular workouts at least 3 times a week.
2. no smoking, social drinking.
3. get contacts, teeth whitener, rogaine(? not sure if i need this, just to be safe), possibly a tattoo.

good luck. you have 2 months. see you at the end of june!remember: to improve your boundaries, improve your decision making skills in the face of ambiguity. to improve your observing ego, exercise 'the mental pause ala dale carnegie' before any action that could have potentially harmful consequences - do this always, the observing ego is your portable psychologist, to improve your confidence do something that requires courage. everytime you do one of these things, however small, you improve this area of yourself. these three things - boundaries, observing ego, and confidence - add up to your self esteem. the higher your self esteem, the happier you will be.

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