Friday, November 02, 2007

Can the next generation change the world?

We've been coming to the hospital every day for a week now. We had some scares, but my dad's looking a lot better. They had him hooked up to a lot of machines that cleared out all the fluid in his lungs, and reduced some of the swelling in his chest. His overall prognosis, however, is pretty bad. They did an angiogram on Monday, followed up with a whole bunch of tests - mri, ekg, ct scan, etc. - all to see whether or not it will be feasible to do bypass surgery or a transplant. It looks like he's going to have a transplant. He's having a defibrulator put in right now, after the operation we'll bring him home. He'll have to change his diet and have a nurse with him for a few months, he's going to have to go back to the hospital for checkups.

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