Saturday, December 02, 2006


Starting yesterday I will be meditating twice a day. Even if I only have a vague idea of what I'm doing, all the literature I've read so far says that the experience is different for everyone and that you learn as you go. So I will just begin and pick up knowledge as I go along, as I want this to be a life long pursuit like playing music.

1 comment:

Resilient said...

Meditation is tight. For the month of October I somehow managed to meditate everyday. I started with 15 mins increments to 30mins the next week then finally 45 mins a day.

I remember at the end of the month feeling so much more focused. I was slower to respond to people because I was becoming a better listener and I wasn't as stressed. I acted completely different in a club environment and my wings all thought I was stoned or on something. LOL... good times.

Finally, they just admited that I matured since I last saw them 2 months ago. Keep it up man! It was definitely one of the best things I've ever experimented with and long to get back to.