Thursday, July 20, 2006

Retarded Mixed Sets

This is for 'The Style Life Challenge' day 9. Assignment is to approach 3 times using a canned opener from the list generated by the challenge participants. The sets should be mixed guy/girl.

I hate mixed sets. Definitely one of my sticking points. I did 3 really crappy approaches today, just to stay in the challenge. Not proud of these, but honestly I didn't run into any HB's in mixed sets today, and I just wanted to get these done. Women involved in these sets were HB's only by the wildest stretch of the imagination.

Date: July 9, 2006

Location: Grocery store, Lakeview, Chicago, IL

Solo Sarge

I walk up to a latino family - young father, young mother, little kid about 4-5, baby in a stroller, and a mother in law. I approach because the mom is an HB and from far away she looked like she could have been the teenage daughter of the family. I open with 'could I get a quick opinion on something? my friends and i were having a debate and I wanted to get your opinion. Dogs or cats - which make better pets?' The little boy loves it, he says dogs. I follow it up with 'This is a two part question? Do you think it's feminine for a guy to have a cat, and do you think it's masculine for a girl to have a large dog like a pit bull?' They answer me, I couldn't tell you what their responses were. The mom dad and mother in law were looking at me like I'm insane.

I do a quick approach of a nice looking short guy and his girl in the soda aisle. I hit them with the 'dogs and cats' opener, they get a kick out of it and laugh. I wish them a good day.

Date: July 9, 2006

Location: Street, Lakeview, Chicago, IL

Solo Sarge

I need one more approach for the stylelife challenge, so I approach a guy/girl who are waiting at a red light on their mountain bikes. I open them with 'flossing - before or after you brush?'. They both say 'after', I thank them. The guy's looking at me like I'm crazy.

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