Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I did 20 miles on Sunday, which would be the second time I've run that distance. I was completely exhausted the rest of the day but I did it around 2:55. I'm glad I've entered the 3 week taper until the marathon on 10/10. I'm glad the marathon is coming up, I've been training for/anticipating/dreading it for so long. It was a really fun running on Sunday - all the marathon runners were out, I ran for a stretch with a nice group of people who invited me to join their running group, which I may look into after the race.

A lot of stuff has happened - M's party, L. and N. were there, I haven't seen those guys in like 5 years. I said to K. it was like they were trying to hold a wild college party, except they're over 40. C's party on Sunday, which was a baby shower for J. and V., was pretty fun, everyone got a kick out of Nina. Mom in law was in town, which helped a lot as I didn't have to look after Nina while I studied for my exams and did my songwriting homework. I haven't written in a while - a lot of stuff like this has gone down, I just haven't had time to write about it.

Marriage is going fine, there's a lot of love between us, and the baby just adds even more love. I've been studying for the scjp and it's going very slowly, I may need another month which is not good because I thought I'd be done by the end of this month. Have been going to 'career coaching', the lady is very nice, I may not have to go back until I've finished a few certification exams.

My big thing these days is songwriting class. I feel bad because we had a small class to begin with and everyone else dropped out so now it's just me and the teacher. She's a great teacher, I feel bad that it's just me, I'm sure that has to be a little disappointing as a teacher - or maybe not. So I feel obligated to show up every week and do all my assignments - it's difficult because this is a really busy time for me, I have to carve out time to do this stuff, I guess it will always be a really busy time for me, as long as I care about stuff like my career and spending time with my family. Anyways, she had me start a written journal for lyric writing, brainstorming musical arrangements, freeform writing, etc. Stuff that doesn't belong on this blog as I see this blog as mainly for autobiographical writing. Mom's leaving for Israel and Venice today, we're going to hang out at her house tonight to see her off.

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