Thursday, December 04, 2008

What's the matter have you never seen a talking snowman before?

Thinking about the experience of driving on a fairly deserted stretch of road, N. on i43 to the UP, up through Milwaukee and Green Bay, WI - the area of the country my wife was raised in. Full of small town folk, farms, billboards, car dealerships, lots of bars, and of course the ever present Culvers. Concentrating on the road stretching out into the distance, narrowing to a small point on the horizon, as my wife and baby girl sleep in the back seat. I realize that this experience has been replaying in my dreams, half remembered and sublimated, for many months now. For the past couple of years I've focused on maintaining balance in my life, as a result my life has narrowed and slowed down as I focused on things that were previously out of whack in my personal life. This image of driving, of trying to maintain control while gradually increasing speed, seems especially relevant to my life right now.

Working from home today, taking care of N.. She is really fussy, refusing to sit down in her chair and watch tv, or lay down in the bed and sleep. I have to keep her in the baby bjorn with me, it's really awkward having to stand up an type this while she kicks and coos while strapped to my chest. I feel like working from home isn't really helping my productivity at work. Cold out, I'm still running, I feel like I'm going to slip and break my neck on all the ice on the sidewalks. Getting used to our new morning routine now that K. is back at work - I have to get up extra early so I can feed the baby while K. showers and packs everything for the day. I don't know how I'm going to work out in the morning now, I guess I'll adjust. Me and K. joined the Y so we're planning on working out a lot together on the weekends. Been slowing ramping up the hours at work - 5 extra hours last week, working on 10 extra this week. I think if I work around 50-60 hrs a week consistently I'll start seeing some changes in my career situation. If you genuinely work that hard at your career, good things are bound to happen.

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