Friday, April 25, 2008

It's a girl!

We went back to the hospital the other day for our 20 week ultrasound, this was the big one we have been looking forward to as we were supposed to find out the sex of our baby. Aaaannndddd ...If you look at the picture second to the top you will see the baby's butt, and 3 lines that are labia. So that picture is x-rated!

My mom's going nuts, of course. She screamed so loud when K. called her to tell her I could hear it over the radio in the car. It's funny how we were calling her 'Jack' this whole time. This pretty much decides it - we have to try again because I need a son! Not that I care very much either way, a daughter is fine with me. My boss tells me that she's going to spoil me silly (and vice versa), I'm already starting to think of her in a 'daddy's little girl' kind of way. We already knew anyway that this baby was going to be spoiled rotten.

I think about her all the time, stupid stuff like if she likes it when K. eats ice cream, or if she can hear me playing guitar. We've started messing around with her at night - K. likes to hold a mini flashlight up to her stomach to make the baby wiggle around. Last night we held iPod earphones up to K's belly and played music for the baby. The first song my baby ever heard may be my guitar playing - or it may be 'Hijomalind' by Sigur Ros. She also seems to like 'Wildcat' by the Ratatat.

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