Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I'm a careless employee, how to be more conscientious?

I used to make up for it by turning in brilliant work, now I'm merely getting by. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself. This goes back to what my first boss used to tell me during my yearly evaluations - I'm a hard worker, very bright. But I'm a careless worker and I tend to be sloppy. This trait is biting me in the ass these days at work. I came home today and sat in the house and mentally berated myself for being so careless. The question is - how am I going to change? I can't go on this way, it will not help me advance in my career. I have to meditate on this, and figure out how to go about changing. Oftentimes stupid mistakes just happen, because I do things without thinking them through or forgetting to review everything and dot my i's and cross my t's before I turn something in.

From now on, treat everything you 'turn in' - as in, do something that other people, users, will be affected by - like a school assignment, and go over it carefully before it gets released to the public. Do this even if it slows you down more than you are comfortable with. Remember, once something is released you cannot take it back.

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