Monday, June 26, 2006

My therapist comes through again

Nice job of relating inner game to cognitive distortions.

me: When you date a woman, or make a new friend, you are opening up your world. I know I'd probably want to date/be friends with someone who knew a lot of exciting people, had a cool social life, good relations with his family. I feel like I have nothing to offer.
J: But that's another distortion. You said you have 'nothing to offer'.
me: It feels like it.
J: But that's not the case, it's not like you're living on the street in a cardboard box, you have a lot to offer.
me: I know it feels like it when I have nothing to do on a weekend night.
J: That's another distortion.
me: Which one?
J: Emotional reasoning. "I feel like I have nothing to offer/my life is empty/ my social circle is nonexistent, therefore this must be the case."

Mental note to inventory all the positive things in my life, and keep updating this list.

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